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How to Solve the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict:
Reality, Human Rights and International Law

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Free Palestine's letter to the: Government of the State of Palestine
Whilst a classic advertising campaign in major media outlets would no doubt be rather dear, this would be mitigated by the publicity provided by some US and European broadsheets like the NY Times. It is very rare to find any sort of publicity in the corporate media, ranging from bill boards to TV, clearly and succinctly outlining the plight of the Palestinians, the ruthless and bloody occupation under which they live and their more than justifiable demands.

Israel's Right offers:
A leadership that will grant Arab citizens human rights and a high standard of living, along with a decent financial incentive for those who cannot accept our sovereignty over the entire land and wish to leave.

Vote against Netanyahu, save Israel
The government halted the peace process and accelerated annexation steps in the West Bank while upsetting the delicate status quo on the Temple Mount. It undercut democracy’s foundations with its repeated efforts to pass bills against illegal entry into Israel, its challenge of High Court rulings and its racist nation-state bills.

Jerusalem I hate
I don’t like Jerusalem. The truth is, I hate it. I try to go there as little as possible and leave as quickly as possible. For the most part, it’s an ugly and infuriating city.

Imagine you’re Palestinian!
There’s no chance that this situation is about to change anytime soon. Israel is strong, the United States is in its pocket, your leadership is weak (the Palestinian Authority) and isolated (Hamas), and the world is losing interest in your fate. What do you do?

A red warning light to Israel
I have to say to the Government of Israel that if they are losing people like me, they will be losing a lot of people.

Netanyahu looks around and sees the new Nazi
What is a young woman thinking about using her grandmother’s European passport to settle in Berlin, or a recent college graduate in Boston wondering whether to return here or begin his career in America, to understand from them? That they ought to trust Netanyahu, who will save them from the approaching Holocaust, or that they would be better off moving to a less dangerous place?

It’s the colonialism they hate, not Jews
The right wing is settling Jews in the West Bank by virtue of an historical claim whose source is in a divine promise: Does anyone still take seriously the argument that a promise given to our ancestors justifies the denial of the Palestinians’ human rights? Every rational person sees these claims as no more than cynical cover for the desire to annex most of the territories, if not all of them.

Pierre Krähenbühl UNRWA
Wie weiter im Nahen Osten, Pierre Krähenbühl?
Sternstunde Philosophie vom 07.09.2014, 11:00 Uhr Wie soll es nach dem neusten Krieg in Gaza weitergehen? Eine wichtige Rolle wird Pierre Krähenbühl spielen, Generalkommissar der UN-Agentur für Palästinaflüchtlinge und höchster Schweizer bei der UNO. Barbara Bleisch spricht mit ihm über Lösungsansätze und die Rolle der Schweiz als Vermittlerin.

Only Israel is allowed to imprison another people
Should we be surprised that a state that seems to be above international law should arouse the world over, particularly and without doubt in the public opinion of democratic countries – the wish to put it outside international law?

Signs of fascism in Israel - Time is running Out
Israel Prize laureate and renowned scholar Zeev Sternhell fears the collapse of Israeli democracy, and compares the current atmosphere with that of 1940s’ France. The time we have left to reverse this frightening trend is running out, he warns

Chomsky on Israel’s 2014 Assault on Gaza
"A Hideous Atrocity": Noam Chomsky on Israel’s Assault on Gaza & U.S. Support for the Occupation. Hideous. Sadistic. Vicious. Murderous.
By Democracy Now, Amy Goodman & Juan González

Israel’s war of deception 2014
It’s already pretty obvious that it will not result in any long-term achievements. It could still deteriorate into a disaster, and in the end will turn out to have been a war of deception – Israel lied itself to ruination.

Map of pain!
It is unlikely that the punitive measures taken by Israel, from the retaliations of the 1950s to the tactics in the first Lebanon war and to the present, have ever brought any real benefit beyond a temporary calm, if that; but official Israel refuses to understand that.

Boycott in the air
After the last attempt to revive the peace talks, the collapse of which was largely due to Israel, friendly nations including Europe and the United States will be forced to take concrete measures against an intransigent Israel. In the 21st century, the world will not accept another 47 years of occupation, dispossession and widespread violation of the rights of an entire people.

The world is sick of Israel and its insanities
Now Israel is discovering that it’s no longer the center of attention as it always was before, and that the fate of its kidnapping victims no longer stops the world in its tracks, not even in the United States

Israelis can try, but they can't ignore the occupation!
The abduction of three yeshiva students in the West Bank last Thursday was ordered in advance – by Israel.

Only Jews have Rights!
After all, what could Israel say to this new message?
That there cannot be equal rights because the Jews are the chosen people?

Who can dismantle Occu-Partheid?
Nothing in the Mideast is irreversible. Nothing in the Mideast is eternal. Nothing in the Mideast is indivisible.

Hebrew neo Nazis
The writer and Israel Prize laureate Amoz Oz said on Friday that those responsible for hate crimes against Arabs and Christians are "Hebrew neo-Nazis."

Peres: Netanyahu derailed peace talks 3 years ago
According to Peres, the only reason the deal wasn’t signed was Netanyahu’s objection to the plan.

Like sheep to the slaughter, like sheep to the occupation
Abbas will go down in Palestinian history as a collaborator with the occupation, a type of Rudolf (Israel) Kastner without the killings or the rescues. So we went like sheep to the slaughter, and now we are demanding that the Palestinians go like sheep to the occupation. On this day, at least, Jews and Israelis should understand this.

Unconditional Palestinian surrender
This perception is anchored deep in the Israeli consciousness and is shared by the right, the center and the center-left, the towns in the country’s outskirts and most residents of Greater Tel Aviv, the Labor Party and Likud. They all reject the principle of equal rights for the Arabs.

Kerry told the simple truth
The Israeli public deserves a government that clearly admits it has no desire for a peace agreement.

Haaretz: Nothing short of a war crime
According to an investigation by B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, released on Wednesday, the shots had been fired with no warning.

Likud controlled by a bunch of belligerent extremists!
Ex-Shin Bet chief lambasts Netanyahu's Likud as 'shallow'

The United States' ability to protect Israel in the UN
Obama's message to Netanyahu on peace with Palestinians: Time is running out

Government of Jewish zealotry!
Naftali Bennett's obsession, which is shared by the current government, is to turn the Arab population into second-class citizens.

Israel, we’re mad as hell
Rice tweets: Israel, we’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Abbas on Mitchell, Truman, State of Israel, Jewish state, NATO. The New York Times
Palestinian Leader Seeks NATO Force in Future State

After all, the lebensraum is ours!
Palestinian blood is cheap

Mahmoud Abbas, the last Jew?
The 'Jewish State' that the Netanyahu regime wishes to impose is a racist disaster, which must be stopped.

Israel has nothing to offer!
Israel has nothing to offer except its apocalyptic arsenal, but even that has no strategic value without the Americans - and their interest is in oil.

So who do we attack now?
With the Iran deal done, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu desperately needs a new target for his frustration and anger.

Tipping Point
Israel inches closer to 'tipping point' of South Africa-style boycott campaign

The price of deception and apartheid
What the European Union, and essentially the entire world, is seeking is crystal clear: the reinstatement of the Green Line as the line that divides Israel from the occupied territories. Anything else will impose heavy economic, diplomatic and scientific costs.

Jimmy Carter on Hamas
We observed this in our previous meetings with Hamas leaders, who affirmed publicly that they would accept an agreement negotiated by the PLO leader, provided their people then approved it in a free and fair vote.

Netanyahu presents the Palestinians as Nazis
A leadership of gloom and doom

Palestinian opposition is a cancer!
Leftist journalist Philip Weiss: "I think we must all agree that Benjamin Netanyahu is the best thing that ever happened to anti-Zionism."

Good news for Israel - but!
In his UN speech, the U.S. president outlines policy guidelines that enhance his commitment to prevent Iranian nuclear weapons but place a resolution of Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians on an equal footing.

Holland to apply pressure on Israel
The Dutch government had warned Royal HaskoningDHV against a wastewater treatment plant with the Jerusalem municipality, because it was to be built over the Green Line.

Jewish leader in New York calling Palestinians Animals
Speak to American Jews long enough about Israel and you begin to notice something. The conversation may begin with Israel, but it rarely ends there. It usually ends with “them.”

Why the Arabs rejected Zionism
When it comes to the pro-Israel camp, one issue that needs to be tackled is the blind spot that is the pre-1948 origins of the conflict.

Zionism is colonialism and racism!
Israelis must wake up to the fact that they cannot take the support of American Jewry for granted any more.

The U.S. has been failing to broker peace - Why!
Washington has made two mistakes: assuming both sides want peace and that it can't force its will on them.

Jewish Racism
Loud, proud Jewish racism - now in a town near you

Israel is a racist state
If you think I’m a racist, then Israel is a racist state

Is Israel a democracy? NO!
We can’t lose a democracy we never had

Norman Finkelstein on IQ PA EU US Wall Peace Israel Settlement blocs
Oslo nouveaux riches Montgomery bus boycott

A Historic Moment in the Middle East

Israel harms security interests of the USA
Former U.S. general: Settlements liable to turn Israel into an apartheid state

Part of Zionist evangelicals belief in slaughtering Jews!
Cross questioning: Why do many Christians believe Jesus will appear after Jews rebuild the temple?

EU recognises Israel's right on borders! 1967
Benjamin Netanyahu, whose response to the EU's move shows he is yet to internalize what a blow it is for Israel, has to understand that he is leading the nation into the abyss.

Haaretz calls for Boycott!
The Israeli patriot’s final refuge: boycott

ETH ‪Zurich‬ on Jerus‪alem
‬ Political options tested in a virtual wind tunnel

Rabbi calls for "Death Camps"
Habayit Hayehudi, with its racist members and rabbis, must be denounced, shunned, and removed from Israel's government immediately, and condemned forever. A country established in the wake of terrifying racist persecution has no room for this party.

Haaretz calls for RevolutionRevolutionRevolution!
One day the Palestinian people will rise up against their occupiers. I hope this day comes soon.

Israel - similar to Iran!
The two countries are alike historically, in their tension between religious extremism and freedom and in their dramatic struggles between the public’s desire for change and the opposition of calcified elements of the regime.

Arabs Out!
The 'Arabs Out’ government

Is Israel a legitimate state?
The Presidential Conference did nothing to legitimize Israel, just as documenting the wrongdoings of the occupation or pointing out racism aren’t to blame for the delegitimization of the regime.

Israel - The Village Idiot!
"Is it okay with you if Israel has a majority of its people living within your territory who are not now, and never will be, allowed to vote?" Really!?! And "If it is, can you say with a straight face that you'll be a democracy?” Seriously!?! And “If you let them vote, can you live with not being a Jewish state?” Are you kidding!?!

Israel - The End!
How long does Israel have left to live? (a self-test)

Israeli Women Hot On Arabs?
Love in the time of racism: The new, dangerous low in the campaign to stop interracial relationships

Israel The Naked Turkey!
Israel's settlement policy is swallowing it up whole, and it accepts the craziness as if nothing were wrong. The wake-up call, only a matter of time, is going to hurt.

Israel's Fault - What Else!
Another MK said: “Contrary to reports, Cohen may have been pessimistic regarding [Mahmoud Abbas’] ability to resume negotiations with Israel, but he said that this was because Israel is not making enough concessions to the Palestinian Authority. His remarks could be interpreted as saying that the problem lies with the current Israeli policy.”

Jews only!
“Israel is a Jewish state and national home for the Jewish people ... and only Jewish people may realize the right to self-determination in the state of Israel.”

Jewish over democratic
Basic Law: Apartheid in Israel

Why do people hate Israel?
It's that time of year, when that same question comes up yet again: Why do people hate Israel?

Haaretz Journalist threatened by Jewish Right Wing Zealot
Dear thug who attacked me, do you really think an Israel with no remnant of the peace camp, no High Court of Justice, no human rights groups, no Haaretz, no ‘Israel haters,’ no ‘Arab lovers’ and even no yours truly will be a better country?

BBC poll: Israel among world's least popular nations
The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular;
only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

Billboard in New York
Telling the Facts Are Considered Anti-Semetic and Anti Israel
You Tube Published on May 13, 2013

Plakat HBZürich
Aufruf zum Israel-Boykott

Series on the Palestinian 'catastrophe' of 1948 that led to dispossession and conflict that still endures.

Kill him!
"I have a suggestion," Plaut wrote on Wednesday, Link → in a reference to the wheelchair-bound noted scientist, and to a 1985 incident in which Palestinian gunmen commandeered an Italian cruise ship, murdering a disabled American Jewish passengerand throwing his body overboard:

"I suggest that the people of Israel send Hawking for a free trip on the Achille Lauro!!"

Google and Palestine
Google's put Palestine on the map.
So has Israel's acting foreign minister

Kerry! No! What the F*** are you ...
Netanyahu worried Kerry drifting toward Arab League stance on two-state solution

Balfour! Jewish state! What?
But what did the British really promise in 1917? In the wake of the Declaration’s publication, most Zionists and their opponents assumed that the "national home" meant a Jewish state. There is, however, little proof that this was the British government’s intention. When the Cabinet agreed to issue the Declaration on October 31, 1917, they did not come to a conclusion as to what the national home, once established, would look like. This was because the government’s interest in Zionism was not focused on the movement’s future in Palestine. Rather, their principal goal was to use Zionism as a means of fostering pro-war propaganda in Russia and the U.S. - two key British allies in the struggle against Germany.

HAARETZ for One State
Time to be single-minded

One person - One vote
A Palestinian focus on the demand for one person, one vote will disarm Israel of all its excuses. What can it say - that the Palestinians aren't human? That they don't have rights like any other nation? Palestinians do not have voting rights in the state that determines their fate.

Killing Non-Christians
Israel is becoming a racist society, in which the prime minister of a country that was founded after the murder of Jews salutes a rabbi who supported a work on the laws of killing non-Jews

Apartheid in Israel
Others see apartheid in the differences in the funding that Arab municipalities receive and the untenable gaps in education and income between Jews and Arabs. That perception legitimizes the concept of apartheid.

Kingdom of Palestine
In explaining his opposition to a Palestinian state, Bennett said, “There is one viable state and it’s Jordan,” implying strongly that he believed the Hashemite kingdom should be the state of the Palestinians.

Netanyahu referred to the terrorists as "sub-humans,"
who would use any means to hurt Israel.

We will not be silent!
The Germans who declared, 'We will not be silent'
Perhaps the White Rose’s legacy might even inspire Israelis and
Palestinians to join together in new, non-violent ways to break their deadlock.

Israeli Journalist Amira Hass Sparks Furor at Home for
Defending Palestinian Right to Resist

Video: Democracy Now Published on APRIL 10, 2013

Israel loves Hamas
Gaza rights group denounces Hamas police for cutting youths' hair

Gideon in defence of Amira
Hypocrisy, because the up-in-arms crowd ignores the original, fundamental, institutionalized and methodical violence of the very fact of the occupation and its mechanisms. Ignorance, because the implication is that the impassioned naysayers might not know just how cruel is the military tyranny in the territories.

That’s what you are
Israeli cruelty reached a point of no return in the 2008-09 Gaza war

Chomsky on: Syria, Hamas, Christian Right, Armageddon, Will Israel survive?...
The London Review of Books
Professor Noam Chomsky, delivering the 2013 Edward W Said Lecture:
Violence and Dignity -- Reflections on the Middle East at Friends House
in London on 18th March 2013.
Videos: Published on Mar 23, 2013

Obama in Israel on: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Anti-Israel ad on New York subway
Ad by American Muslims for Palestine urges U.S. President Barack Obama to stop aid to Israel, calls Israel an apartheid state.

I'm a proud Racist!
"I am a proud racist," said a teenage boy at Jerusalem's Malha mall, draped in a Beitar Jerusalem scarf, shortly before last week's game against Maccabi Haifa. "The menorah of Beitar symbolizes the Jewish people. The menorah is holy, Jerusalem is holy, and we are holy. That is why no Arab may set foot [on the field] in Teddy Stadium. This is a team of Jews and only Jews."

Is Israel too Jewish?
Think of another example: In 1985, Yitzhak Shamir justified freeing the members of the Jewish underground, who had plotted to destroy Muslim shrines on the Temple Mount. Shamir saw them as “flesh of our flesh” − meaning the simple fact that they were Jews entitled them to freedom. Try to imagine a German or French citizen who planned a major terrorist act against Jews, and, after being jailed, being graced by an important official because he was of the same “flesh.”

Obama: It is not fair that a Palestinian child cannot...
Put yourself in their shoes. Look at the world through their eyes. It is not fair that a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of their own. Living their entire lives with the presence of a foreign army that controls the movements not just of those young people but their parents, their grandparents, every single day. It’s not just when settler violence against Palestinians goes unpunished. It’s not right to prevent Palestinians from farming their lands; or restricting a student’s ability to move around the West Bank; or displace Palestinian families from their homes Neither occupation nor expulsion is the answer. Just as Israelis built a state in their homeland, Palestinians have a right to be a free people in their own land.

Racist Brotherhood
The proposed Basic Law, which was submitted to the previous Knesset, would nullify Arabic as an official language; make Jewish law the basis for legislation barring any other interpretation; and fail to require the government to build communities for members of other religions - that is, for the country’s Arab citizens.

Hallelujah! Israel is saved!
Most Israelis and Jews were relieved to hear that Obama has no intention of upsetting the status quo. After all, “We’ve never had it so good”, as Golda Meir told Richard Nixon in 1973.

New routes to racism!
Rather than express 'concern' for the Palestinians by excluding them from Jewish bus lines, it would behoove the prime minister to immediately put a stop to this racist segregation.

My Government is Responsible!
Miko Peled, the General's Son. Seattle. Oct. 1, 2012 You Tube Published on Oct. 1, 2012

'No place in Israel for Palestine,' says Naftali Bennett
"There's no place in our small and stunning piece of God's country for another state," he said. "It won't happen. But friends, before any debate about territory, it must be said: The Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel. Now let's argue."

Fear of international sanctions works!
The time has come to encourage the international community to fight Israeli intransigence and pressure Israel to give up on the occupied territories and its residents, who lack a voice from the perspective of our democracy.

Israel hates! First of all it hates Arabs
Israel hates. First of all it hates Arabs, in a deep and purifying way. A mixture of dehumanization, fear and nationalism are at work in Israel. It also hates Muslims, even if they come from Chechnya. Israel hates migrants and refugees − especially if they are black − only a little less, and refers to them, diabolically, as “infiltrators.” And Israel also hates − but less − those within society who are different: first and foremost, the ultra-Orthodox.

Ex-Shin Bet Chiefs Denounce Occupation,
Compare Israel to Nazi Germany

Democracy Now Published on January 29, 2013 The Gatekeepers: In New Film, Ex-Shin Bet Chiefs Denounce Occupation, Compare Israel to Nazi Germany

Palestinians Preparing to Take Israel to International Criminal Court
You Tube Published on Jan 26, 2013 Phylis Bennis: With UN non-member state status Palestine can now follow through and take Israel before the ICC for war crimes

Norman Finkelstein on the right of return
In the interests of bringing enlightenment to Cohen, and hoping against hope that he is capable of acknowledging error, I am hereby releasing the internal document from HRW, which a staff member (who prefers anonymity) recently passed on to me.

Palestinian ghettos were always the plan
Bennett can propose annexation because every governing coalition since the Six-Day War - whether it was led by the Likud or Labor (or its precursor, Alignment) party, and whether its partners were Mafdal, Shas or Meretz - laid the spiritual and policy groundwork for him.

'Judaization' is racism!
The term "Judaizing the Galilee" provides allegedly legitimate cover for every benighted racist position that sees the presence of Arabs in the Galilee or anywhere else as a national threat.

Annexing Area C
You Tube Published on Dec 26, 2012
Naftali Bennett's stability initiative - Doing what's good for Israel

Racism in Israel!
You Tube Published on Jan 12, 2013
In with the New Year, Out with the Africans

Israel could be tried in Hague!
Benvenisti also noted that this prohibition is one over which the ICC's founding treaty explicitly grants it jurisdiction.
"The prohibition is absolute, without exceptions, and isn't dependent on permanent residency," he wrote. "The absoluteness of this prohibition derives from the dark history of World War II, in which deportations were widespread for various reasons."

Peres: Palestinians don't need to recognize Israel as a Jewish State!
Peres also rejected Netanyahu's demand that the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state. "I don't need to define the nature of the Palestinian state and they don't need to recognize our nature. It's undisputed," he said.

What does fascism look like, if not this? A response to Ari Shavit.

Why did Israel kill Jabari?
In other words, our decision makers, including the defense minister and perhaps also Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, knew about Jabari's role in advancing a permanent cease-fire agreement. Jabari was the strongman of the Gaza Strip - Israel's "subcontractor," as Haaretz editor-in-chief Aluf Benn characterized him - so Hamad submitted each draft prepared with Baskin to Jabari for approval.

Just Perfect!
For first time, Britain, France may recall ambassadors in protest at Israel's settlement construction

Israel is right:
The whole World is against us!

Who voted for the Palestinian upgrade at the UN? Who against?

very very very moving!

Israel fears the UN

Israel, not Hamas, is the region’s pariah

An den Bundesrat: Herzliche Gratulation!

An den Bundesrat: Herzliche Gratulation!


Long live Haniyeh, down with Abbas

Jewish Voice for Peace Statement on Israel’s Operation "Pillar of Defense"

Noam Chomsky: Impressions of Gaza

International Committee of the Red Cross

Hi, nice to meet you, we're racist and pro-apartheid

Survey: Most Israeli Jews would support apartheid regime in Israel

Apartheid without shame or guilt

Jewish American Relationship with Israel at the Crossroads

Soul-searching on Yom Kippur: Who is a good Jew?

Giving Israel a new look at Hamas

Breaking the Silence

BBC HARDtalk 2012 Norman Finkelstein

A good Jew hates Arabs

Oslo deal was good for the Jews

The Cafe - One state, two states or even three states?

Israel is losing the battle for public opinion in America

US punched Bibi, Barak in the face

Helicopter tour over West Bank and Israel

British envoy tells Israelis some un-diplomatic truths,
and U.K. Jews should also listen in

For first time, U.S. State Department defines settler violence as terrorism

Atommacht Israel und ihre Feinde

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Back to school: Ben-Gurion for beginners

Palestinian Authority arrests more than 100 following death of Jenin governor

Günter Grass: 'What Must Be Said'

"No government in Israel has the right to give up Greater Israel."

U.S. won't save Israel from hanging itself

Israel is fighting a losing battle over victimhood

Palestinians are heroes!

Wie alles anfing - Das Zögern der USA bei der Staatsgründung Israels

In Israel, 'fascist' is not a rude word

Israel is in the midst of a culture war

Ultraortodoxe in Israel

Would East Jerusalem Arabs rather be citizens of Israel or Palestine?

Israel would be a backward country without the left-wing

»Die Existenz der Checkpoints ist das Hauptproblem«

Pourquoi Madame?
Mail an Micheline Calmy-Rey bezüglich Unesco

Greater Israel – or Peace? Interview mit Mearsheimer und Finkelstein

"This One Could Take Them All Down." - Chris Hedges über Occupy Wall Street

Occupy the banks - not Palestine

Free Palestine mentioned in New York Post

Empört euch!
Stéphane Hessel spricht auf Einladung der Gesellschaft Schweiz Palästina in Zürich am 27. Oktober 2011, 20 Uhr

Shalit is returning to a state in psychosis

Israel’s Jewishness: Precondition for Palestinian Statehood

Chomsky on “Occupy Wall Street” and Israel's Collapse

Finkelstein: As Turkey Freezes Israel Ties, Critics Decry "Whitewashed" U.N. Report on Gaza Flotilla, Blockade

A letter for Micheline Calmy-Rey

Mailverkehr mit Hans-Jürg Fehr, Nationalrat SP

Mailverkehr mit Ständerat Gutzwiller (FDP)

Mailverkehr mit Mario Fehr (SP)

Der Israel-Palästina-Konflikt und die Befreiung der Theologie

Lebensraum as a justification for Israeli settlements

Polish-Jewish sociologist compares West Bank separation fence to
Warsaw Ghetto walls

Korruptionsvorwürfe gegen Palästinenserführung

Es geht nicht um das "Existenzrecht" Israels


Liel: 'UN recognition of Palestinian state is wake-up call'

Noam Chomsky July 28th 2011:
Pro Israel Christian Right Most Anti-Semitic People In The World