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Zurecht stellt Gideon Levy die Frage, warum sich die israelische Öffentlichkeit nie ernsthaft fragte, wieso Gilad Shalit vor 5 Jahren entführt wurde. Weiter fragt Levy, wieso Israel mit der Hamas über die Freilassung von Gilad Shalit verhandelt, jedoch nie über einen Frieden zwischen Israel und Palästina. Will Israel denn Frieden? FP 17. Okt. 2011

HAARETZ Published 03:46 16.10.11

Shalit is returning to a state in psychosis
By Gideon Levy

Israeli society now wraps itself in a self-righteous cloak of self-praise: How concerned we are about the fate of a single soldier. And what about the fates of many soldiers, of an entire army, an entire people?

Who isn't against terror and for Shalit's release? But that same sobbing society did not for a moment ask itself, with honesty and with courage, why Shalit was captured. It did not for a moment say to itself, with courage and with honesty, that if it continued along the same path there will be many more Gilad Shalits, dead or captured. In successive elections it voted, again and again, for centrist and right-wing governments, the kind that guarantee that Shalit will not be the last. It tied yellow ribbons and supported all of the black flags. And no one ever told it, with courage and with honesty: Shalit is the unavoidable price of a state that chooses to live by the sword forever. Continue reading→